Web3 financial data infrastructure

Archive Protocol offers comprehensive historical and near real-time financial data for DeFi positions, including ROI, income, APY, token balances, and more.

Why use our data?

Historical: we provide full historical customer accounts for activity on defi protocols like Uniswap, AAVE, Compound, Lido, Rocketpool and more.

Standards: we reduce the complexity of data by providing it in a unified format, across all protocols.

Reporting: it’s not just about transactions, we can provide daily or monthly position valuations at any point in time.

Reliable: enterprise-ready infrastructure with multiple price sources for underlying tokens.

Audit-ready: separate accounts for capital and revenue, realized or unrealized, enabling accrual accounting.

Example use cases



Request API access

Access near real-time and historical financial data for DeFi positions across major protocols and chains via our beta APIs.


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